Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Monday (24 hours)

After a busy weekend, with a kayak race and formal, I was not very excited to get up at 5:30 on Monday morning. However, this 24 hour shift with A was a little more eventful. Everytime I got I progressively get more calls. In the morning we washed a few of the engines and went on a call to "E". She was a very sweet elderly woman who 'couldn't find her pulse' (she had been feeling her forearm for a pulse and found none). All of her vitals were normal with a slightly high glucose level (she reported to have had 2 cups of cocoa for breakfast). Joanie taught me a little about all of the medications and their purposes. I've got my work cut out for me if I ever want to be a Paramedic! In the afternoon we went to the Peabody House for a woman who had had abnormal heart rythems. After, we had some training about the heart and what different rythems looked like. SN node, AV junction, left and right bundle branches, Purkinje, P Q R and S waves... Around 6 we responded to a call for "an allergic reaction to a bee sting." When we arrived, our patient was alert and breathing normally. His vitals all turned out to be perfect and we decided he didn't need to be transported. He said he had had an incident about 10 years ago where he had gotten stung 10 times and had had a reaction so he wanted to make sure he was OK. Joanie made an amazing dinner of bourbon marinated steaks and "homemade" potato and pasta salads. We didn't get a single call all night. I woke up the next morning thinking I had missed something, but when I looked at the log nothing had changed. I guess I still have the "white cloud effect." 

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