Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Friday (24 hours)

Today was my first 24 hour shift! The morning was pretty quiet. We had a call to a possible fire at the sewage plant down the road, but there was no signs of smoke or fire. We did some more work with the hoses and went to the river to train on the boat. Right after we suited up (in these huge orange float-able suits) and started down the river, a tone went out for a medical call. Our patient, "M", had a case of the "leg shakes." We transported her to the hospital and left her at triage. We suspected some kind of street drug. Once again we took the boat out, this time uninterupted. Jason 'prepared' us a great meal of stuffed peppers. The evening was very quiet, except for the Sox game. Around 1 am a tone went off and I nearly catapulted myself out of my chair. The call was to "R", a 'frequent flyer." He was slightly intoxicated, but less belligerent than normal. He was taken by the police and we returned back to the station. No more tones went off for us, but Laconia and Tilton-Northfield were very busy and the loud tones kept me awake. I ended up watching lots of country music videos and long infomercials until shift change. 

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