Sunday, May 25, 2008


I had to end my senior project with a bang. Tonight, at about 9:00 a tone went out for a motorcycle accident at 216 Main Street, Andover (right in front of the Andover Pizza Chef). A truck had collided with a motorcycle with two passengers. The man in the truck was unhurt, but the two on the motorcycle were pretty beat up. The man on the motorcycle had a possible femur fracture and broken left arm, and the woman had a break in her lower left arm. They flew in the DHART for the man because of his possible femur fracture and they took the woman to Franklin. I was so overwhelmed because I arrived on the scene and was the only EMT there. There was a first responder but everybody was looking at me for answers. I started with the man and found out what was wrong. Thankfully Andover's ambulance soon arrived. I was put in control of the woman. I wanted to put her on oxygen, but I couldn't find another regulator. With the help of a few others, I had her rolled onto her back on a back board. Franklin soon arrived with Jason and Joni who came to help me. It was all so stressful! I definitely got tunnel vision, zeroing in on one thing. Chris, who had driven me there, told me I looked professional which was a little reassuring. I learn more things every time. I'm pumped on adrenaline and I still have to finish my self evaluation which is due tomorrow at 8:00 am tomorrow...


Today was supposed to be my last day at the fire department...Unfortunately I found out that there had been a HUGE fire! About 6 towns were called! I was so sad because the only "fires" I had been to were fire alarm activations. I'm sad my project is over, but I'm also glad that I'm sad because that shows that this is something I am actually interested in. It's good to find out that I can handle seeing blood before I go to college for nursing.


As soon as I got up, I went to Chris's house and we went and spent most of the day doing laundry in downtown New London. I already knew how to do laundry, but not in that quantity. We spent about 5 hours and nearly $50 dollars! But we came prepared with movies and snacks. We munched on Twizlers and Starbursts while we watched Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift in between loads. Good bonding time. We share everything! That's one of the first things you learn in kindergarden, right? Sharing! But maybe this wasn't something you want to share...