Friday, May 23, 2008


I got off of my shift at 7:15 and then took Irene out to breakfast at the Blackwater Diner! My day sort of started going downhill from there...I had a lot of fun kayaking and surfing waves on the Pemi, but soon after I found out that I had lice!! I spent the rest of the day at Chris's house with his mom who spent about 3 hours picking them out! Quality bonding time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday (24 hours)

09:00: Toned to a "CVA" (stroke) up at one of the nursing homes. The woman was very confused about what had happened and where she was. The nurse there kept talking about her pace maker and how she had had a history of cardiac problems. The woman also was complaining of abdominal pain and she had had bowl problems the past few days. Under supervision, I took her blood glucose level! We transported her to FRH.

11:25: Toned to Andover, Flaghole Road, for backup, but we were canceled en route.

11:35: Re-toned to Andover for a paramedic interception. We started down Rt. 11 and they came speeding by us. We turned around and found them by the side of the road. They had a man who was very dehydrated with an altered mental status (the tone said status 2). He said he hadn't eaten in about a week. Joni took blood and hooked him up to an IV. It took a few tries because he was so dehydrated. It was nice to see my buddies from Andover!

15:00: (3:00) We went on a tour of a new rehab building. It used to be an old orphanage, but had ben converted into a place for people to go recover from alcoholism and drug addiction. It was a great building, but looked like it could be a nightmare in a fire. 

Phil and Emily came to visit!

18:15: (6:15) We were toned to a fire alarm activation right next door to the rehab center we had just visited! I sat up front with Kevin in 7 Engine 1 and got to sound the siren! They had filled the building with smoke from cooking but there was no fire. 

The rest of the night was very quite!! We watched the Sox (they won 2-1) and I fell asleep in an armchair around 11. 


A recovery day from the weekend. We had a few 'smart' guys doing the directions and we got back to Proctor around 11:30 from our kayak race. At least we had had an amazing dinner at Applebee's. More studying and then I went over to a friend's house to make a cake for the fire department. 

Saturday + Sunday

A shift was on Saturday, but unfortunately we had a kayak race and I couldn't work with them! We drove all the way down the Cornwall for our race on Sunday. It was a great race and Proctor was represented very well at the awards ceremony. 1st and 2nd for the K1 Junior Women; 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th for the K1 Junior Men; 1st for the K1 Men; 1st for the OC2 Men. It was a fun weekend!!


Today I had another day off. I have been reviewing my EMT-Basic book after discovering that there is a lot I have forgotten! My hope is that I will study to take the test when I go home for break. We had a big practice day today for kayaking because our last race is on Sunday! We had an advisory dinner at the Houstons' and then I went to Concord to pick up my sister!