Sunday, May 25, 2008


I had to end my senior project with a bang. Tonight, at about 9:00 a tone went out for a motorcycle accident at 216 Main Street, Andover (right in front of the Andover Pizza Chef). A truck had collided with a motorcycle with two passengers. The man in the truck was unhurt, but the two on the motorcycle were pretty beat up. The man on the motorcycle had a possible femur fracture and broken left arm, and the woman had a break in her lower left arm. They flew in the DHART for the man because of his possible femur fracture and they took the woman to Franklin. I was so overwhelmed because I arrived on the scene and was the only EMT there. There was a first responder but everybody was looking at me for answers. I started with the man and found out what was wrong. Thankfully Andover's ambulance soon arrived. I was put in control of the woman. I wanted to put her on oxygen, but I couldn't find another regulator. With the help of a few others, I had her rolled onto her back on a back board. Franklin soon arrived with Jason and Joni who came to help me. It was all so stressful! I definitely got tunnel vision, zeroing in on one thing. Chris, who had driven me there, told me I looked professional which was a little reassuring. I learn more things every time. I'm pumped on adrenaline and I still have to finish my self evaluation which is due tomorrow at 8:00 am tomorrow...

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