Thursday, May 8, 2008

Night Call

(written at 0:05(12:05), but the internet shuts off at 0:00(12:00) so I was unable to post until now)

I just got back from a call. I am not sure how much is considered confidential so I will be a little vague on the details. The call came at 21:45(9:45) to the house of an elderly woman complaining of chest pain. She described it as feeling "like somebody had tied a rope around her middle and was pulling on it." She rated it as a 10, but she appeared to handle it very well. She reported to have taken some Codine (left over from a surgery in January), but this did not seem to make her feel better. She did not have any alergies. She had last eaten at 19:00 (7:00). We loaded her on to a stair chair and then to  a stretcher. Transport to FRH went very smoothly and her vitals stayed constant. I am very glad that I do not have a shift starting at 6:45 tomorrow!

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